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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Sunday 29 December 2013

The end of another year

At the end of every new year, I always find myself reflecting on the past 12 months.  This year is no exception, but I find myself sometimes feeling overwhelmed at the weight of 2013, the joys and the sorrows.  Becoming a new Mommy in the first week of 2013 was beyond words.  Something I looked forward to my whole life.  It was nothing I ever imagined. It was hard, but better than I ever thought. Was it easy? No.  Was it worth it? Yes.  I know I could not have done it without my amazing husband. My best friend and love.  Ever since I met him, I still wonder how on earth I deserved a man like him.

Engagement Photo, November 2009

First year Married, October 2011, Hemlock Ravines Park

Caleb loves his Daddy! December 2013

I feel like crying when I think about how hard he works, how much he loves me for me, and the way he is with our son.  The strength he has been given by God in the last year is amazing.  He is not perfect, neither am I.  We are two people committed to God, and to each other, no matter what.  We have laughed a lot, cried a lot, sacrificed a lot, and wondered why things happened, or didn't happen.  We do not candy coat life.  We live it, in all it's beauty and ugliness.

At some point, I will post the real story of what happened, and why we left Nova Scotia.  I am waiting for the right time, and the right words.  I will not lie, and I will not cover up.  The truth will come.

2014.  Wow.  Every new year, I always think the next year sounds funny until I get used to it.  I think this year we will be spending our NYE at home, watching the countdown on TV (I always stay up and watch the countdown at Times Square too!), maybe with a glass of blueberry wine. GASP! Yes, we occassionally each have one. Let the internal judging and "dreams" begin! No, we will not go to hell for it.

3 months old, getting ready to leave Bedford, April 2013

2013 has been a year to remember.  Some of it I would like to forget...except for every moment with my loving husband and amazing baby boy.  It is comforting to know that God is with us no matter what, and the best is yet to come.

Stay tuned....
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