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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Friday 27 December 2013

He Never leaves us

The inevitable happened last night...Caleb got his first bloody nose, when he slipped and fell on it on the tile floor.  I knew owwies would begin at some point, but I didn't feel ready for it. As I tried to comfort him, I felt like crying myself.  I want to take his pain, and I wanted him to be happy again.  Once the trauma was over, and he was safe and happy in bed, it hit me.  It is the same with God.  People often blame him when bad things happen.  He is always with us. ALWAYS.  He never leaves, contrary to some belief.  When Caleb fell, it doesn't mean Daddy allowed it to happen.  But he was right there to pick him up again, and comfort him. When bad things happen to us, it doesn't mean God "allowed" it...but He is right there with us to pick us up again and comfort us. What an amazing thing!

I have become so tired of hearing certain Christians say how when we sin, God's presence leaves us.  Such nonsense! But this is coming from a borderline cult.  The presence of God NEVER leaves, as He promised to never leave nor forsake us, and to be with us until the end of time.  You can also never lose your salvation, no matter what you do.  If you lose it, you never had it to begin with.  There is so much more I could say on the topic, but maybe I'll save it for another time.  Bottom line is this, (taken from Jeff Turner and Sound of Awakening Ministries):

Theology that makes you feel bad about feeling good, and good about feeling bad is...bad. Theology that induces panic and paints God as angry, violent and retributive is...bad. Theology that presents God the Father as being someone completely different from Christ is bad.

Don't be stuck in the mindset that performance is what moves God.  He Loves you, He knows you, and he is never taken by surprise.  If you are loving getting yelled at in church, where they only preach on sin, and never on the finished work of Jesus, then maybe you should consider where you are going with it.  No where.  Selah.

1 comment:

  1. WELL said!!! Isn't God amazing? Aren't you so glad He is not the God presented in some churches? I am so thankful He is such a loving Father. I have found that since I had kids, I can really see how God relates to me as His child. Just as Mike and I guide our own children, out of love and respect for their hearts and feelings, God treats us in much the same way. He also disciplines out of love, not because He longs to see us get what we deserve. What a blessing!!
