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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Friday 6 December 2013

One day at a time, always learning

As a new Mommy to an 11 month old wonder, I can definitely say that I am always learning.  Nothing ever comes in an instant, and patience comes in handy.  I introduced my little guy to solids a few months ago, just a little at a time so he could get used to it.  At first, he was a natural.  He would instantly eat what I put to his mouth.  It was great! It was easy! Well, that was just temporary.

Caleb seems to have the gag reflex of his dear Momma.  For as long as I can remember, whenever I would try a new unfamiliar food, I would gag.  Caleb is the exact same way.  I have found though, that if he has not lost his lunch after the first bite, and I keep trying with small amounts, he will eat it all.  I just need to be slow, and let him experience each new taste at his own pace.  So far he likes sweet potato, carrots (sometimes), strawberry, and he loves raspberry, and blueberry cereals.

Breastfeeding. It is a touchy subject.  For us, I breastfed for six months.  I honestly loved it.  I loved the connection I felt with my son, and I loved being able to give him the nutrition he needed.  I loved watching him fall asleep on the nursing pillow while I sat in the rocker/recliner most of the day and night.  I did not do it exclusively however.  When he was born, (I will post his birth story at some point), he lost weight drastically and quick.  He was not gaining it back, and his blood sugars dropped.  It was quite scary for my husband and I.  We ended up supplementing with formula as I pumped, and also nursed.  At six months old, I would try and try to nurse, but he just would not have it.  He seemed to say he was done.  My heart ached, and I even cried.  I wanted to keep feeding him the way my Mommy heart knew I was supposed to.  But as time went on, I resigned to the fact that he took the bottle, and never ever had an issue with both before he stopped breastfeeding.  He was so healthy and hearty, and that is a very GOOD thing.  I have read forums and articles on breastfeeding, and honestly I would feel almost depressed, thinking if other women saw me feeding him a bottle, they would judge me harshly.  Some people have even said that breastfeeding is a sign of how much you love your baby.  That hurt.  That hurt the inner core of my being.  I still struggle with the thought of someone thinking I may not love my baby because I do not nurse him anymore.  For those who can breastfeed as long as they do, I am so happy you can.  I a social media world however, it is always women comparing themselves to others, and judging behind a keyboard.  

I love my son with a love I never knew existed, or was even possible.  We are all different.  Diversity is an amazing thing.  Breastfeeding or not, has nothing to do with the level of love a mother has for her child.  When I have another baby, I will be trying it again! We will see how it goes.  I will be honest...breastfeeding was horribly painful at times! But I did not give up. He would latch, and my face would turn a new shade of purple as he began, and after a minute or so I would be fine, and he would be happy.  I used lanolin, and it was amazing!

So to all the Momma's out there...keep on going...one day at a time, always learning. Be there for each other,  never be afraid to ask for help or advice.  One thing I found as a new Mommy is that women do not seem hesitant at all to share their own experiences :-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh it is hard when they are sensitive to texture! Robyn was my big gagger! It won't be long before he outgrows some of that...hopefully! As for breastfeeding, it is sad what mom's can do to each other, isn't it? There is encouraging, and then there is militant moms who judge you and make you feel like you are a lousy human being, let alone mom! (and don't worry...their turn will come when they are needing advice and encouragement!). I breastfed Robyn until she weaned herself at 14 months, Devin was just over 2, but Jeremy was a different story. He was very sick when he was 5 weeks old, and I was able to nurse through that, but he stopped gaining weight and I had to use formula. I was so upset and so judged! And felt like I had failed as a mom. It is very easy to judge when things come easily and you have the hang of breastfeeding and it is perfect. not as cut and dry when you have a baby who is not longer thriving. But honestly, what is the most important thing? Your baby and his health and wellbeing. I am sorry you felt judged ( and if it helps, it makes you feel profoundly sad no matter WHEN they stop nursing!) But good job, Momma! You did what was right for you and for Caleb and that is all that matters!
