About Me

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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Our Courtship & beyond

July 1st marked five years for Josh and I as an official couple.  It was probably the happiest time in my life.  We had met years before in his place of work.  I would go in to buy CD's, or movies.  At that time, I thought he was good looking, and he seemed to have such a sweet personality.  After pursuing men, and it never ever working out, I decided to not do anything. Just "see what would happen" kind of deal.

New years Eve 2008, I was invited to Gateway Community Church, where they were having a celebration.  I got dressed up, and set out.  Josh was in a band then, and watching him up on stage rocking that bass guitar, I remember thinking deep in my heart that I would marry him.  I shook my head because it was such a random thought! Little did I know it was truth.  I took the first step and said "hello" as he walked by me, and he said "hi!" back to me, and I remember he kept looking over his shoulder at me :-)

A couple days later I sent him a message on Facebook...and oh my, he wrote me back! We sent messages back and forth randomly after that.  Then in June, his brother's fiancee added me as a friend on Facebook, and started  asking me questions, and she said she thought I would be a great match for Josh. She told me that I should tag along with the band on their Canada Day trip to Bridgewater, and sure enough, Josh sent me a text message. I didn't even meet her until a couple months after we started dating.  Whoever thinks Facebook is a bad thing...it is a GOOD thing too!

Our first date alone is one I will never forget.  We met at the Mumford Bus Terminal, and took a bus to Point Pleasant Park.  It was a beautiful day! I remember being so nervous, but also happy.  We picked out a spot by the water, and Josh pulled out a picnic lunch he had made for us.  Then the sunny hot day turned almost instantly to a torrential downpour! We packed our things, and ran for cover under a grove of trees.  Josh (being ever so organized!) pulled out an umbrella from his bag, and we both stood under the umbrella awkwardly facing each other, standing so close that we could feel each others breathing.  I could sense a grin on his face at one point, and I remember just wanting to hug him.  20 minutes later the rain ended, and out came the sun.  We spent a long time in that park, talking about anything and everything.  He was amazing, and he made my heart smile.

I loved it under that umbrella ;-)

Peggy's Cove, NS

We spent a lot of time together that summer, almost every day. Picnics, movie theatre, hanging out at Peggy's Cove with his friends from Church.  It was the best summer of my life.  I had never known a person who knew me so well, so intimately so quick.  He would finish my sentences, and even speak my thoughts at any given time.

Hiking in Kentville

Breaking the rules by sitting on the Lion (I LOVE this picture though)
In September, I travelled with Josh and the band to PEI. I loved that trip.  Under the stars in the countryside at a beautiful B&B, I was walking across the yard to go to my room when Josh stopped me in my tracks, and he told me he loved me.  I literally saw stars that night.  The next morning we sat on the porch swing, watching the sun rise, and I remember thinking how could it be that I was so blessed.

When we got back, I knew I had to have a serious talk.  When I was 25, I was diagnosed with a rare bone marrow disorder, and had been on chemo.  It had a possible side effect of infertility, and I knew how much Josh wanted children.  I really thought it might be a deal breaker.  That night on the roof of my apartment building, overlooking Halifax, I told him.  He did not even flinch, and he told me that no matter what, nothing would change the way he felt about me.  There were tears, and we also shared our very first kiss.  I knew then, that he was forever.

He asked, I said YES!
 October 25, 2009.  Just four months after we started dating, he asked me to be his wife.  He came over to my apartment, and set it up like a romantic restaurant, food and all.  His wonderful grandmother cooked it all.  I had no clue...I was wondering why he was even doing this.  After we finished eating, he told me to close my eyes.  He left the room, and came back, when I opened my eyes he was on one knee holding a bouquet of red flowers in the shape of a heart, with a diamond ring in the middle.  He said "Will you marry me?" and I said "Yes!"

It was two very, very long years later that we got married.  We both agree now that if we knew what we know now, there would absolutely not be a long engagement.  But I will say, I am happy I married the man of my dreams, and we hope to renew our vows.

Our Engagement photo, taken by Craig Baltzer
Our honeymoon was an amazing, wonderful cruise to Bermuda from New York City.  It was a little intimidating taking such a big trip on our own, as it was our first time.  We absolutely loved it, and recommend it to everyone.  All inclusive, room service whenever you want, amazing food, entertainment, excursions...I could go on and on.  We cannot wait to take another cruise, someday! It was our first time being in a tropical place, and it really is kind of like a "paradise".  Just the colour of the water made me smile, and feel so relaxed.  Our trip was 8 days, and by the end of the trip we felt like we lived on the boat.  That was not a bad feeling :-)

Taking a ferry ride in Bermuda
Our first year was not "the hardest part" of marriage. It was wonderful! I believe it is what you make it.  Four months into marriage we were pregnant. And thrilled! But not long after, I had a miscarriage.  I went through unimaginable depression from it, but tried to hide it so I could be there for Josh.  Three months after losing our first, I became pregnant again.  I was scared, but I felt like maybe this would work.  Eight months later, we were Mommy & Daddy to Caleb Michael! He came just on time...not too soon, and not too late.  We absolutely love him, and thank God he is ours.

Pregnant at Halls Harbour, NS, my Favourite place

Photo Credit: Chelsea Brewster

Through life's joys, sorrows, excitements, failures, and learning experiences, I am so grateful to be able to spend it with my best friend.  This June, when someone I have known since we were kids, lost her husband in the horrible tragedy in Moncton, it really opened my eyes to the reality of life, and death.  Of being able to lose someone in an instant, or to be lost.  We are not infinite. But God is.  We need to love each other, appreciate each other, work hard, live well, and don't put off to tomorrow the love that we have today.  I know that I am not perfect, not even close.  No one is. I have made a lot of mistakes, but I hope that in some way I can be a blessing to others, and I need to start here.  My little family means everything to me.  I want our son to be raised with such love, and respect for others.  To give without expecting anything in return.  To learn from mistakes, but not dwell on them.  To love with his whole heart.  

Joshua and Caleb Riendeau...I love you with my whole heart.  I don't know what I did to deserve you both in my life, but I thank God everyday.  

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