About Me

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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Birthday Boy

Well the time has now come and gone...my son is now Two years old.  Sometimes it seems like he was just born.  We brought him home from the hospital, and I thought "how on earth am I going to take care of a newborn?". As the days and weeks passed, the confidence came, and I found with God's help I was able to do it.  Now have an active, fun loving, happy, toddler.  He is already wearing 4T shirts, just sprouting right up.  I cannot imagine my life without him.

Having a baby just two weeks after Christmas has meant getting a surplus of gifts, mainly toys. We appreciate the generosity of family and friends just a short time after Christmas! He loved his party, and the cake this year too.

He is starting to speak more now, but he still babbles a lot. He spelled out the first four letters in "birthday" when he saw his birthday banner, which was a big surprise! He watches "Super Why and the Super Readers" as well as "Team Umizoomi", so he is learning a lot about letters and numbers.  He can count to five forward and backward now.  It is so much fun seeing him learn, and seeing him figure things out. He is seeing a speech therapist for some sessions to help him along too.

I hope everyone is having a great winter so far.  I will try to come back as time allows, and I will try to write more as anything comes to my mind to write.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Caleb! I love your new blog design! He sure has grown so fast, and is such a sweet heart! You are such a great momma! And by the way, he is doing just fine, and he will do things in his timing ( and will surprise you with some things you didn't think he could do!) xoxo
