About Me

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My name is Amanda, and I am happily married to my best friend, Josh, and we have a son named Caleb, and a daughter, Leah.

Monday, 16 November 2015

A Blessing...not a curse

For some time now, we have had a suspicion that Caleb may have Autism.  It was not an easy thing to talk about, let alone think about.  When I would think of kids with Autism, I thought of kids that could not function.  I was very naive, and when I started to look into it, I was open to a whole different world of information. One thing I do know, is that it is a blessing, not a curse. Why? Because he is still my Caleb. My son. My son that is on the Autism Spectrum.

I think I saw some signs back even before he was a year old. I would convince myself that it was just something cute that he was doing, and he would outgrow it in no time. I also feared the stigmas. I used to believe them myself.  How could I ever have a child with Autism? Would I even be able to manage? What would people think? 

He has always been a VERY Happy boy!

Caleb is actually quite high functioning. So much so, that his Psychologist said we did not even need to announce to everyone that he is on the spectrum. He was very late to speak, and struggles include his fine and gross motor skills, and picky eating that is beyond "normal" for a toddler. He also can have an epic meltdown when he feels his communication is not breaking through.  The reason I want to bring this to light, is because I don't want it to be something to hide.  He is AMAZING, in spite of what being on the spectrum could say about him to others.  Some say that even Albert Einstein was on the spectrum, and he was one of the worlds smartest scientists. He did not speak until he was four years old.  Caleb is coming along nicely with his words, and is talking more all the time.  He is eligible for in-home therapy, and he starts in two weeks. It is provincially funded, and the best in Canada! He was only on the waitlist for two months.

This is still all new to us, and we are learning as we go.  We are not looking for sympathy, advice, tips on parenting (Some people out there think Autism is caused by bad parenting. A rant for some other time perhaps...ugh!). We just would love acceptance, and most of all support.  Give Caleb a huge high five when you see him, or the famous fist-pump.  Play tag with him, chase him down the hall, and listen to him squeal in delight! Sing a song to him, and he will most likely sing with you. Get down to his level, and accept him. He is Caleb!

My little man! I would never change a thing.